Thursday, May 14, 2020

Traveling the Open Road

This might look like I'm headed out on the open road but I'm actually within the city limits of the town of Fountain Hills Arizona.  Fountain Hills is located on the far east side of what we call "the valley" where Phoenix and all the other cities and towns surrounding Phoenix are located.

The town of Fountain Hills has a lot of roads through the rolling hills of this area.  They have a rural feel but they are dotted with the homes of the town's residents.  I did a post about the famous fountain located in Fountain Hills back in 2013.

When I visited here in 2013, I was impressed by the views and the rural feel of this area of town.  In the photo above, I could see the mountain landmark to the east of Phoenix that we call Four Peaks.  It is part of the Mazatzal Mountains which are located within the Tonto National Forest.  The mountains are approximately 40 miles northeast of Phoenix.  In the winter, we sometimes see snow on top of these mountains.


  1. A very arid place... very dry...I like to have open roads to myself...

  2. Looking at how arid the terrain is makes me wonder how it is possible for people to live there.

  3. I remember the fountain. These pics sure look like you are out in the wilderness, Sharon!

  4. You have a wonderful blog! The topics you write about are very close to me. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

    I follow you through GFC! If you want, go to my blog :)


  5. It seems very remote, even if it's not! (And very pretty!)

  6. I miss road tripping so much. These images are amazing!

  7. Those are some great views! It's weird to me how little green there is, but it's still really pretty.

  8. When I was a (much) younger man and The Valley was a (much) less populated place, friends and I would go out into the desert between Phoenix and Carefree, drink beer and howl at the moon.

  9. These remind me of road scenes in Death Valley. It's surprising how soothing rides like this can be. (Robert McCulloch was quite a master of promotion, wasn't he? We had a building lot in Lake Havasu City for a while. The London Bridge seemed as incongruous as one can imagine.)

  10. I remember the fountain also Sharon, even just using the two pumps it was super tall. Love the perspective of the open road shot and those views are spectacular 💙
