Friday, May 1, 2020

Theme Day: Shopping

Shopping has changed dramatically in the past 60 days.  These days, almost everyone is doing their shopping (what there is of it) on-line.  I decided to feature a view of the world's biggest online shopping site for today's post; the mighty Amazon.

Of course, many of us are still going to the grocery store from time to time.  If the store is in a smaller building, like Trader Joe's stores, the amount of people in the store at one time is limited, so strategically spaced lines are forming outside the store.  Shopping has changed dramatically since the pandemic began and it may be this way for quite a while.

The first of every month is a theme day for City Daily Photo Bloggers.  As you can see, the theme for May 1st is Shopping.  Click here to find links to other shopping photos from around the globe.


  1. It is funny to see that worldwide we all have the same restrictions in shopping... But I hope it will end in the nearby future....

  2. Don't forget the toilet paper.

  3. I wonder when or if we ever go back to relaxed shopping.

  4. Our shopping looks pretty much the same! Well, maybe without the stucco and barrel tiles.

  5. The new way of shopping. I wonder how long it will last.

  6. Online shopping is so much easier and better for us all these days, alot safer too.

  7. I'd worry if we didn't have Costco but I've gone online for other items.

  8. Even Amazon is out of things. It is challenging.

  9. I have a small supermarket nearby. If there is a line, I come back home. Then I go again. I have plenty of time...:)

  10. No on line shopping for me as yet Sharon, although both my sisters use it 😊 Definitely buying more local now, which is a good thing.

  11. Grocery stores are about all I'm going to..
