Sunday, May 3, 2020

Jacaranda's are Blooming

Scottsdale Fashion Square shopping center might be closed but, at least I got to see this jacaranda tree in full bloom.  I was hoping they had the mall doors open so I could walk there but no such luck.  However, seeing these beautiful blooms reminded me that I should take a drive downtown to see if the trees on Central Avenue were blooming too.

And...they were!  Jacarandas are not the only tree that's blooming right now.  Next week I'll show you another annual favorite.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm visiting a project in urban living that has been developing for 50 years.


  1. Beautiful blossoms, I'm sure they smell good too.
    Have a nice Sunday, Sharon !

  2. Love that tree, we don't see them here.

  3. Lovely sight. Nature does it best.

  4. Wonderful blooms, in a very pretty place.

  5. Gorgeous! We don't have them here.

  6. When we lived in California, there several of these trees on our street. They are beautiful but oh what a mess on the cars that parked under them!

  7. There's some wisteria growing next to a library near me, but I've not been able to figure out how to get a good photo out of it.

  8. All the blossoms are goregous. Nature showing us her beauty.

  9. Gorgeous. I had forgotten tghem.

  10. We hear it's beastly hot out your way already. It's a wonder any flowers can survive. People need all our technology to do it. But then we met someone a couple of days ago who grew up in Labrador. They just dealt with it.

  11. They are such beautiful flowers! They grew well in California. I don't know if I've seen any in Washington state.

  12. The jacarandas are glorious Sharon, especially en masse like this. It'll be six months before ours bloom again 🌼
