Saturday, May 16, 2020

It Seems So Long Ago

It seems like ages ago that I attended the Scottsdale Art Walk back in March.  I think with everything that has happened around the world, memories of when life was "normal" seem off in the distant past.  I mentioned in a post back then that I went on the art walk to try out my brand new iPhone 11 Pro.  These photos were all taken that night, March 5th.

The top two photos are from a little courtyard area off of Main Street that is full of artist galleries and studios.  It was quiet when I got there so a couple of artists are taking advantage of the pleasant evening for a chat.

Above is a painting that I was drawn to.  It was in the Paul Scott Gallery who specialize in Russian artists.  The artist for this is Artem Tolstukhin who was born in 1981.  It reminds me a lot of the works by Gustav Klimt.  I love it!

This last photo was taken later in the evening when I was getting ready to leave.  The theme for this particular art walk was Native American art so there was a group of drummers and native dancers on hand to entertain the crowds.  You can see drummers seated in the circle and a dancer waiting his turn to the far left of the photo.

I can't wait to be able to do another art walk!


  1. Yes sweet memories, when will we be able to go out again and see mice exhibitions?...... :(

  2. I am looking forward to resume the life we had...gosh how we took it for granted. I too like the colorful work of art. Janey

  3. It seems odd to see people sitting so close to each other, Sharon! The painting looks like a modern take on Klimt.

  4. It does seem like quite a long time ago, I suppose because we have so much farther to go.

  5. Seeing people close together is weird. I hope we can get back some of what we had.

  6. I remember when you took this walk. It's funny how some chronologically recent events now seem so far away in our changed world.

  7. Loved the painting too, made me think of Gustav Klimt's work also, so good 💜 I think that's what I miss the most too, visiting art galleries and exhibitions.. hopefully soon, happy Sunday Sharon ✨

  8. It's shocking how very different the world has become -- and so quickly. Humans are such social animals. It's painful how isolated we are now.

  9. This whole thing feels like it's been years.
