Sunday, May 31, 2020

Birds, Birds, Birds

Last night I watched a program on our local PBS station about all the places in Arizona where one can bird watch.  They talked about all those I know about but they also listed several places I didn't know about.  When this pandemic business is under control, I may have a visit a few of them.  One of the places they talked about was the Gilbert Riparian Preserve in Gilbert Arizona.  It's been a little over a year since I last visited this place so I decided to check my photos and see if I had any that I hadn't posted.  It turns out I had several so here are a few I picked.  Above are two American Avocet.

Here's a snowy egret admiring his reflection.

A hummingbird sitting on a twig.

A Blue Heron posing quite nicely.

A ring-necked duck.

A black-necked stilt.  Another one with a good reflection.

And, lastly a female ring-necked pheasant.

They had signs all around the area to help with bird identification.  Otherwise I don't think I could have named all of these.  

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm taking a look at one of my favorite Italian villas.


  1. It was the snowy egret and his reflection that attracted my attention. Nice shot. Also I am always looking on PBS for shows to watch. It is a learning experience for sure.

  2. Ptaki to symbol wolności , kocham ptaki. Piekne fotografie:)

  3. A great selection of fascinating birds, Sharon !
    Nice reflections too.

  4. You captured them all very well, my compliments!

  5. You captured wonderful reflections here Sharon but it was the colourful wee hummingbird that stole my heart, so sweet 💚 Looking forward to seeing your pics when you go exploring the new spots you heard about.

  6. You captured their beauty perfectly.

  7. Lovely birds. They are so photogenic!!

  8. I was impressed with your bird knowledge until I read about the signs, Sharon! ;-)

  9. I have a great fondness for herons, so of course that's my favourite.

  10. the hummingbird is so pretty, we do'nt have them here.

  11. These are wonderful shots! They're all well done. (I'd love to come back to southern Arizona for the hummingbird migration in late spring but the weather gets too warm for me to tolerate then. Drat!)

  12. I hear you are having awful heat for this time of year. Do the birds tolerate it or leave for higher elevations?

  13. The Hummingbird is by far the most exquisite.

  14. Fantastic pics! I especially like the avocets and the hummingbird.
