Friday, April 24, 2020

Let's Celebrate Arbor Day

When I was a youngster back in grade school, I remember Arbor Day being a bit of big deal.  School kids would celebrate the day by planting a tree somewhere in the city.  Even into high school, I remember seeing news stories of tree planting celebrations.  These days the day is not even mentioned.  I know that with the current health crisis, there probably wouldn't be a celebration this year, however I haven't heard of any type of public event for Arbor Day in a very long time.  Since trees and forests are "the lungs" of this planet, it seems a real shame that the day isn't celebrated more.  We should all be planting more trees!

You might recognize the tree in today's photo.  Last January when I passed this tree, it had completely turned brown for the winter.  I snapped a photo of it and then I manipulated the photo and turned the leaves a beautiful fall red.  You can see that post here.  This is such a beautifully shaped tree, I always stop to admire it when I walk the neighborhood.  I think it's worthy of lots of admiration.


Aimz said...

Trees are so important to our earth today, as well as them providing some fresh air for us they help make the landscape nicer, we need alot more of them.

William Kendall said...

That's looking good.

Karl said...

Beautiful fresh green !

Andy said...

Arbour Day here happens in May... but not this year for sure.

RedPat said...

That is a beauty, Sharon. I didn't even know we had Arbor Day until I saw Andy's comment above.

Bill said...

That's a lovely looking tree, it looks great.

Steve Reed said...

Nice tree! You're right -- I never hear about Arbor Day anymore.

Revrunner said...

I still hear about Arbor Day. Although this year, it was all about Earth Day.

Janey and Co. said...

You did have fun with that tree. Loved the red. Tom and I were walking this morning and I saw a HUGE tree. I may just go back and take a picture...Hope you are well....Janey

Kay said...

That's a truly magnificent tree.
For the 25th anniversary of Earth Day I spearheaded a tree-planting project at schools in Marin County, California. We offered a whole curriculum about trees, got donations of young trees, and planted over 100 trees at schools all over the county. It was a huge, overwhelming project but one I'm still pleased to look back on. Not Arbor Day but at least we got a lot of trees planted.

Revrunner said...

You reminded me of a group of ladies I just saw on my walk who acted like it was the first time they had been out of their houses for a month, which may very well have been true. :-)

Catarina said...

That is a good looking tree. :)