Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Earth Day 2020

Earth Day turns 50 years old today!  We've been celebrating our home planet for 50 years but unfortunately we haven't done a very good job of protecting it.  We had better start doing a better job of it because it's the only home we have.

When I went for my "change of scenery" walk last Friday in Scottsdale, I found a lot of things the earth has given us.  Like the pretty bachelor's button flower in the first photo and the honey bee on top of it.  And, this bright red hibiscus bloom.

And look at these snapdragons that are growing in crack in the paving stones.  Our Earth is a beautiful place.  Let's do what we can to keep it that way.


  1. I love your flowers. Seeing them brightens up my day. Thank you.

  2. Thanks for the cheerful post you gave us, Sharon! The lockdown of the world economy seems to be helping the climate & atmosphere for a short time at least.

  3. Hi Sharon,

    The snapdragons caused me to pause, I haven't seen that in a long time. Years ago an old man in Portland, Oregon would plant the cracks in the side walk in front of his house. Come summer it was so much fun to walk that dozen or so side walk concrete path, Each of the squares was framed in flowers, many, many snapdragons or those small kinds of flowers. Lots of fun, he watered them too.

  4. The snapsdragons are awesome and show that the Earth is responding to our plight to help the Earth better than what we used to... Let's cooperate all together.

  5. Nature sure knows how to cheer the world up. Beautiful photos, Sharon.

  6. I'm always impressed by how durable snapdragons are. Great photos, as always. It says something that I hadn't heard about the anniversary of Earth Day until I read your blog! I fear we're not paying enough attention anymore...

  7. Bees can be frustrating to photograph. :-)

  8. I can't believe the snapdragons are so resilient Sharon, amazing to see them growing this way, and so beautifully too 🌼 Happy Earth Day 💜

  9. I worked for environmental organizations for many years. It breaks my heart to see how many environmental initiatives have been reversed by the wrecking crew in D.C.

  10. Piękne fotografie , kwiaty są cudem natury.
