Friday, March 27, 2020

Three Sisters

Here is something right out of my dining room.  I meant to do a post about these three little ladies about six months ago when I acquired the third one.  These little statues are the work of sculptor John C Whiterock.  I purchased each one individually at the Heard Museum gift shop.  There is just something about them I love.  When I saw the one in the middle, I already had two and I stood there trying to decide if I should buy another one.  That's when I remembered that I am one of three sisters.  It seems perfectly logical for me to own three of these lovely little ladies to represent the three of us.

John Whiterock was born and raised on the Navajo reservation and he is known for his sculptural dolls made from both clay and bronze.  He was inspired in his youth by his mother who is a potter.  He dedicates his work to her.


Billy Blue Eyes said...

A very nice sentiment

biebkriebels said...

They are lovely!

RedPat said...

They are wonderful, Sharon! I would love to be able to look at these ladies every day.

Steve Reed said...

I love those! I've heard that from a design standpoint it's always better to display things in groups of three -- so you did right to get a third one. :)

Bill said...

They are beautiful, Sharon.

Revrunner said...

No, I agree. I simply wouldn't do for you to have only two. :-)

Gemel said...

They are absolutely beautiful.

Aimz said...

Oh i Love them.

Kay said...

These are beautiful and you have a perfect excuse to have three. And three is a better visual balance, anyhow. I love all three!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I love them and the reason you have them Sharon, I am also one of three sisters, that's me in the middle there :)

Susie of Arabia said...

Love these!

William Kendall said...

Those are neat!