Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Leaning Trees of Phoenix

The sight of these two trees leaning into the road stopped me in my tracks.  I had turned down a side street to avoid some heavy construction and was met with this almost unbelievable sight.

How can those trees be growing like that?  They must have a very wide and strong root system.  It's a good thing we aren't prone to hurricanes here in the desert.


  1. There a war going on between the trees and gravity.

  2. If they are fir trees the root system is not deep from what I have seen of trees like that

  3. Yes that is what came into my mind too, one heavy wind and a car has burried!

  4. I would be a bit scared to drive under those trees :)

  5. It seems a very dangerous situation, where are the municipal gardeners?

  6. Uhm, yeah. Definitely a candidate for removal.

  7. That is WILD. I can't believe the city has allowed them to stand. Do you think they were intentionally angled to keep them away from the power lines?

  8. That's an accident ready to happen, not good.

  9. I wouldn’t park my car in the shade of that tree

  10. I would be apprehensive driving on that street...

  11. And, Andy, as Sir Isaac Newton would have said, "Gravity will win".

  12. Whoa! That would stop me in my tracks. I wonder if the trees simply have an aversion to those power lines...

    I understand you now have a shelter-in-place order. I hope it doesn't provoke too much craziness.

  13. I am sure that just happened, no? I bet if you come back in a week or two, the tree won't be there but with the confinement who knows?

  14. At first I thought it may be the prevailing winds Sharon, but that's way too extreme.. looks like a job for the council.. soon!

  15. There was a tree growing like that here on the 89 in Prescott and it was eventually removed. It made me nervous going past it especially when it is monsoon season.
