Friday, March 6, 2020

Inspecting the Wine

When I was sorting some photos, I came across these shots that I had forgotten all about.  I was having lunch with a friend at AZ 88 in Scottsdale and I admired the pretty flowers they had placed on all the tables.  I snapped this photo when....

....across the room, I saw this fellow having a look at the wine they had chosen to go with their lunch.   I loved the way he was holding the bottle and examining it so carefully so I snapped his photo too!

My original intent was photographing the flowers but I got a bonus with the interesting candid shot to go with the beautiful flowers.


  1. Thank you for the flowers. Due the weather here it was like a breath of fresh air.

  2. I always like those flowers but can never remember their name. They last a long time which I like!

  3. The flowers are alstroemeria, or Peruvian lily. (Not sure about that spelling!) I like the guy's pose too. A true connoisseur! (Again, not sure about the spelling.)

  4. If only you had also photographed the label. :-)

  5. Beautiful captures of the flowers.

  6. A place which seems to know very well how to handle guests.

  7. Nice flower shots. The fellow's pose reminds me of wineries in California. That's a common look in tasting rooms.

  8. He does have that look of someone who knows his wines Sharon 😉 Super bonus shot with the beautiful flowers 🌺
