Saturday, March 28, 2020

Feathery Skies & Interesting Trees

I loved the look of the skies when I went on my walk on Friday.  They looked like they were painted on with soft brush strokes.

And, there was something about the look of this tree that appealed to me.  I'm not sure if it was the shape or the bright green color but it drew my attention.

And this blue hibiscus was particularly attractive.  I only had my cell phone with me or I would have zoomed in on one of those pretty blooms.


  1. "Blue skies smilin' at me
    Nothin' but blue skies do I see
    Bluebirds singin' a song
    Nothin' but bluebirds all day long
    Never saw the sun shinin' so bright
    Never saw things goin' so right
    Noticing the days hurrying by
    When you're in love, my how they fly

  2. Love to see those palmtrees and blue skies!

  3. I can see the attraction Sharon, all trees attract me :) the blue hibiscus is stunning!

  4. it is so lovely to see all of the greenery and the blue skies. We have no leaves yet and are in for a rainy weekend. It probably will be too miserable to even go for a walk outside.

  5. The sky and the trees compliment each other. Beautiful capture!

  6. That is an amazing hibiscus. I haven't planted one because it does freeze in Tucson. I love the three sisters, they're just lovely. Your display is also lovely, I like the plate behind them and the dark wood. The Heard museum has been on my to-do list for years, just never made it there. Someday....

  7. P.s. thanks for the tip about comment moderation. Will get onto that.

  8. Oh, those skies! My niece texted me a few photos of those skies yesterday. Gorgeous!

  9. One of my favourite things is to sky gaze.
    Great photo.

  10. Your pictures put mine to shame,,,,beautiful...

  11. That is a very unusual sky! And yeah, the hibiscus is a great color. I don't think I've ever seen one like that.
