Friday, March 13, 2020

Clutter on the Stage

Last Sunday evening, I went to see the musical "Once On This Island" at Gammage Auditorium in Tempe.  Imagine my surprise when I arrived at my seat and saw this rather cluttered looking stage.  I was also surprised to see some members of the audience seated on the stage.  They certainly got a close-up view of the show.  The story is based on a fable of love and death and temperamental gods in the French Antilles.  It was basically a colorful new twist on the Romeo and Juliet theme.


  1. Lucky you saw it when did. Covid-19 has cause a shutdowns all across North America. Stay safe Sharon.

  2. A agree with Andy, here the whole country is on a lock down.

  3. Talk a out the best seat in the house 😊 Looks fun Sharon.

  4. I'm wondering if you used any of the new techniques for iPhone photos here. I enjoyed hearing about your classes -- how are they working out in your daily photo life? I guess the new normal thanks to the virus will change all our access to photogenic subjects!

    best... mae at

  5. It seems like all of the theaters are closed here now.

  6. Everything is closed here too. It's time to self isolate for the next two weeks. Schools are closed, sports cancelled, libraries closed. We went this morning to do some food shopping and there was panic shopping. The government asked people to please not panic shop but of course people do what they want. We got what we needed but it was an eye opener to see the shelves looking bare.

  7. Did you like it? I would have thought you'd have said you did.

  8. Interesting! I'm not sure I'd want to be ON the stage. That's a little too close for comfort, even WITHOUT coronavirus!

  9. An unusual way to arrange the audience.

  10. As a long-lost friend used to say "Beeee-zaaaarrr!"

  11. That looks kind of chaotic. I hope you enjoyed it.

    It's seeming that events like this are going to be paused for a while. We're in a situation here much like Bill Burke. I was shocked this afternoon to see our normally well stocked Costco quite stripped - whole pallets of canned veggies gone. I'm hoping I'll have more time to fit in some long walks I've been missing.
