Friday, March 20, 2020

Bumper Stickers

Bumper stickers are quit common here in the United States.  People who put them on their cars are always trying to convey some type of message.  Every now and then I see some that I can't resist photographing like this cute little dog peeking at me.

Below the cute dog was this sticker blaming the the dog for the texts while driving.  I'm betting the dog is completely innocent.

On another day, I saw this one on the back of a car.  This is probably good advice especially if you happen to be friends with a "true-believer".

But this one was my favorite.  That's the best play on an old familiar joke that I've seen.


s.c said...

Very funny and they bring clearly the message.

biebkriebels said...

Glad to see that there are still intelligent people in your country...

Catarina said...

ahahahahah great stickers!!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

The little dog is cute but the last one is classic, love it 😀

Steve Reed said...

Ha! LOVE that last one. I haven't seen it before! I like the dog too.

RedPat said...

Great to read on such a day as this, Sharon! ;-)

Revrunner said...

Oh, yeah. There are some real zingers out there.

Bill said...

A great series of bumper stickers. I love the last one, it's good for a laugh. :)

Travel said...

Love the last one

Aimz said...

Some of the stickers are really quite clever.

Kay said...

The last one is a favorite.
I'm so dismayed at how this administration has driven wedges between people, even family members. Civil discourse is a foundation of democracy.

Catalyst said...

That last one is classic.

William Kendall said...

The little dog is my favourite.