Thursday, March 19, 2020

Artistic Variety & An Artist at Work

I have one more post from the Celebration of Fine Art that I visited last Friday.  This colorful piece is by Terrell Powell, a multi-talented artist who paints, sculpts and works in mixed media.  He had some very whimsical paintings on display but, I loved this piece with the colorful ceramic stripes.  Here's a link to his page in the artist's guide from the event.  You can see photos of some of the other pieces he had to offer.  He is from Santa Fe New Mexico.

I captured Anthony Barbano at work on one of his spectacular glass pieces.  His work with glass was something to be admired.  I was truly tempted by one of his pendants.  Anthony is from Murray Utah.

I'm so glad I went last Friday before all of us were encouraged to stay in our homes.  And, I'm glad I took these photos.  Looking at them again is almost like being there.  Well, not quite but it will do.


  1. Those are nice photos and I'm going to need to check out Terrell's site. And Anthony's too. I don't know if you ever get over this way to Prescott but we have lovely photo worthy items too.

  2. Makes me think of our glassblowers here in Jamestown and the lovely things they are creating.

  3. Excellent links Sharon, Terrell's paintings are fabulous, loved his birds in tree, I would have been super tempted by that one! The glass necklaces are incredible, you showed excellent restraint not taking one home 😉

  4. I love to see artists at work, Sharon.

  5. I love those ceramic strips. I've said it before -- it's incredible what people come up with.

  6. Looking at the first picture I could not imagine it was ceramic. How beautiful!
    Take care Sharon.

  7. I’ve always enjoyed watching glass blowers
    . We are all trying to curb boredom these long days being cooped up. I am putting together a presentation for my granddaughter which I will do over face time. I love France so I have blown up my pictures of things in Paris that she might find interesting . She is only seven yrs. old. Hopefully she will learn something and give her Mom a break since she is caring for an infant.

    I guess it seemed weird to do the virtual business meeting. Hang in there, we are all in this together....Janey

  8. That first piece is spectacular. And how ever did you manage to resist a pendant? I'm not sure I'd have been able to.
