Saturday, March 21, 2020

An Extra Long Walk

Mexican Sunflower & Queen Butterfly

Yesterday I met my friend Glenda at the Desert Botanical Garden for a walk.  We went early while there was still a chill in the air and we knew there would be no crowds.  What we didn't know until about 45 minutes into our walk was that it would be the last one for a while.  We learned that the garden had decided that morning to close temporarily for the protection of the employees.  I was saddened by the news but I do understand.


We are moving into peak blooming season here in the desert so I will have to look in different places to find my favorite cactus flowers and other blossoms.

So, I'm taking you along for my last visit to the botanical garden for a while.  It was a nice long walk.  We were there for 2 hours.  We saw that the Mexican Sunflower plant was blooming and attracting butterflies.  The brittlebush plants were blooming all over the garden.  The hummingbirds were out enjoying the abundance of flowers and this Gila Woodpecker was pecking away on the side of a saguaro cactus.

And finally, this little goldfinch was enjoying a leisurely bath.  He was especially fun to watch because he played and splashed around in the water for quite a long time.

I'll find another way to escape the relentless and depressing news.


  1. The woodpecker i$ quite something to see.

  2. What a wonderful photos you made of the birds, thanks for sharing, makes my day a bit more pleasant!

  3. It was so nice to see these pics, Sharon! The world is a depressing place right now so it is great to see some beauty.

  4. Great series, Sharon, I love them all, but especcially the first one !

  5. That first photo is just spectacular. Thanks for sharing the beauty. I'm sorry the walks are coming to an end, it was wonderful while it lasted.

  6. The last time I was in Phoenix I drove out there just as they were closing, very nice from what I saw. I need to come back to Phoenix

  7. I am glad you went before they closed.
    These ARE FABULOUS photos!!!!
    : )

  8. You are a masterful photographer. BTW, how are your sister and her husband? Doing okay? I miss her blog and photographs.

  9. The woodpecker looks ready to peck away. Nice photos, Sharon.

  10. Well, at least you got a nice last visit in...rather than showing up to a sad "Closed" sign. Great photos. I'm sorry there won't be more from here for a while.

  11. I'm glad you got a chance to enjoy it one last time before it closes. You certainly made the most of it with your photography!

  12. The pictures are spectacular. Getting outside is one of the few joys we have left!
    BTW, got a kick out of your bumper sticker post. Keep blogging! Janey

  13. Gorgeous series of shots from your beloved Botanical gardens Sharon, you were so lucky to get one last visit before it closed. How lucky we photo bloggers are that we have extensive photo archives to fall back on if need be 💙

  14. Gorgeous series of shots from your beloved Botanical gardens Sharon, you were so lucky to get one last visit before it closed. How lucky we photo bloggers are that we have extensive photo archives to fall back on if need be 💙

  15. The pictures you took are ever beautiful. I was going to ask if the gardens were still open. It's too bad they are closing. I'd love to go there sometime.
