Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Beauty All Around

Even with all my evening activities last weekend, I still found time for a nice walk at the Desert Botanical Garden.  That's where I saw this perfect rose in the prettiest shade of lavender.  It's called Violet's Pride.  Isn't it a beauty?

Nearby the section of roses is the vegetable garden where I saw this rather nicely formed cabbage growing.  Who knew cabbage could be so lovely to look at?

And I couldn't visit without a stop at the contemplation garden where so many birds come for a drink.  I can't believe how well this shot turned out because the spot was full of people talking and moving about.  This fellow only stayed there for a matter of seconds.

So my weekend consisted of the beauty of nature during the day and the beautify of the arts at night. All in all, a perfect weekend.


  1. The green cabbage really struck me as a sign that spring may come here soon. We are in for a snow storm tonight though!

  2. You did find beauty all around, didn't you! Have a great week!

  3. What kind of bird is that, do you know?

  4. Steve, I believe it's a lesser goldfinch.

  5. You had a perfectly wonderful weekend, didn't you? The Desert Botanical Garden filled the bill for beauty all around.

  6. It really was the perfect weekend Sharon. Did the beautiful rose have a perfume? The reflection shot is gorgeous, good thing you are quick on the click 😉
