Saturday, January 4, 2020

Rabbits....Real and Fake

I watched this rabbit for quite a long time.  It appeared to want to cross the path to the other side but the traffic at the garden was quite heavy and every time it ventured to the edge of the path, another group of people would come walking by and it would skitter back under the shrubs.  I was trying to encourage him.  When the coast was clear, I'd say "go, go now" but I don't think we spoke the same language.  I stayed long enough to see that it made it safely to the other side.

On my way out of the garden, I stopped at the gift shop and look what I found, a whole family of "stuffed" rabbits watching me instead of the other way around.

This guy escaped the family gathering and found a cozy chair to hide in.  


Revrunner said...

Pretty good liknesses, I'd say.

biebkriebels said...

Funny post, the first photo is well done, he is looking great. The stuffed ones look very funny, never seen these.

Lucyna Drozłowska said...

Rabbits are cool animals, although they have their dark secrets:)

Karl said...

The real one is my preferred, Sharon.

RedPat said...

A fun post, Sharon! ;-)

Steve Reed said...

I always feel bad for rabbits. Nature's hors d'oeuvres!

Kay said...

Steve's right: they're nature's hors d'oeuvres. No wonder they're jittery.
Those stuffed bunnies are cuter than average - pretty realistic.

Aimz said...

Someone's done a good job of making the bunnies look lifelike, I like the plant pots though.

Catarina said...

: )
Cute creatures!

William Kendall said...

Wascally wabbit!