Saturday, January 18, 2020

Beauty of the instrument

Taking a break from the Masks of the Congo, I thought I'd tell you a little about the Musical Instrument Museum.  First of all, it's huge.  I never made it to the second floor on this last visit, I got too fascinated with the masks and the unique displays on the ground floor.  In this room, they had a display of creative instruments that were unusual or beautifully designed.

That "Octobasse" in the center of the room was huge.  It's described as a  bowed lute and is a 2007 reproduction of an instrument from 1850.

Above is a group of instruments going for beauty as well as beautiful sound.  There is a Mandolinetto from 1920, Mark VI Tenor Saxophone from 1970, Concert Zither from 1908 and a "Tar" or plucked lute from the 19th Century.

When you visit the museum, you are given a headset and each display contains a video screen and when you step within range, you are able to hear the sound that goes with the video display.  That was especially wonderful in the Masks of the Congo exhibit.  I could actually see the masked dancers and hear the music being played.


PerthDailyPhoto said...

The octobasse is incredible Sharon, hard to imagine someone playing it. Love the idea of the audio tapes, would have been particularly fascinating in the mask and costume exhibition ✨

biebkriebels said...

That octobasse must be difficult to play on for one person...

Andy said...

What an interesting place. I have never seen a Musical Instrument Museum before.

RedPat said...

These specialist museums are often so wonderful to visit and this one looks like it was, Sharon!

Bill said...

Sounds like if you love music, you'll love this museum. I know I would. Amazing octobasse, it's huge.

Aimz said...

wow to see everything is one thing but to hear it is another, kind of gives a different appreciation.

William Kendall said...

The octobasse is huge!

Gemel said...

The octobasse is massive.

Kay said...

I've been there. It's a great museum.

Catalyst said...

I loved the MIM when we were living in Phoenix in 2013. We went to some wonderful concerts there in addition to hours spent touring the museum.

Jack said...

I went to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame while I was in Cleveland and loved seeing special instruments.

Thérèse said...

Such an interesting museum to visit and revisit again and again.