Saturday, January 25, 2020

Patterns and Textures

My post today is all about patterns and textures.  I start with this photo of a row of cactus planted up against a textured wall.  There is lots of pattern and texture in this shot.  A few thorns too!

This one is just some architectural detail on one of the buildings at Biltmore Fashion Park Shopping Center.  Straight lines, angles and curves, all together.

This one happens to be an art work that was included in a show at the Phoenix Art Museum.  It's called "Pixeles" by Oscar Munoz an artist from Columbia.  It looks like pixelated images but it's actually made from coffee stained sugar cubes.  Surprised?  I was.

This last one required two photos.  It was also taken at the Phoenix Art Museum.  This room at the museum was all set up for some kind of meeting or presentation.  When I looked down on the room from the second floor, I saw the long row of chairs in the photo to the left and when I went downstairs, I liked the look of the chairs from that level too.

How is that for a variety?


PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh yes, lot's of texture here Sharon. I love the chairs from both angles but the sugar cubes take the prize, I would never have guessed!

biebkriebels said...

That is nice to have a topic, those sugar cubs look a bit misty.

Andy said...

Yes... great variety and a interesting challenge.

RedPat said...

An interesting post. I like the last pic a lot, Sharon!

Karl said...

Beautiful series, Sharon !
The first and the last pic are my preferred...

Steve Reed said...

Excellent shots, all of them. I wonder how one stains sugar cubes with coffee without them melting?!

Bill said...

Very creative photography, I like it a lot Sharon.

Aimz said...

I really like cacti, all the different types you can fine.

William Kendall said...

The cacti stand out quite nicely.

Catarina said...

Love the pictures. Very original. : )

Kay said...

A nice selection. Coffee stained sugar cubes?? I never would have guessed. I see faces in some of those squares.

Gemel said...

Loved this post.