Sunday, December 1, 2019

Theme Day: Rainbow

And, not just one rainbow but a double rainbow!
After a year of colorful theme days, we begin December with a rainbow of colors.  I really thought I was going to have to improvise with this theme and maybe find a rainbow flag or a bouquet of brightly colored flowers but one evening almost two weeks ago, I attended an event with friends and my friend Diane said she happened to catch a cell phone shot of a rainbow earlier that day.  I asked if I could use it for my theme day post and she kindly sent it to me.  So with all the things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving week, I can add sharing friends to the list.  Thanks Diane.

To see more rainbows from other City Daily Photo Bloggers click here!


  1. That is a big rainbow! I don't see those often.

  2. Wow! I haven't seen a double rainbow for ages, this is a beauty Sharon, thank heavens for good friends 😉

  3. Two rainbows together is a sight I have never sight before. A rare sight indeed.

  4. Well you are the winner, not one but two rainbows!

  5. Gorgeous double rainbow - and the main one is so strong and vibrant. Nice of your friend to oblige. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving!

  6. Gorgeous! Yes we must always be thankful for our friends

  7. I love double rainbows. We have them here from time to time. Diane's is perfect.

  8. Fantastic rainbow! Was there a pot o' gold at the end of it?
    Cheers from Eagan Daily Photo

  9. That is an excellent rainbow. I haven't seen one that clear in a long time.

  10. I have never had any luck with photographing a rainbow. Well done.

  11. Very nice. Thanks to your friend. I have found that sometimes the second rainbow of a double doesn't show up very clearly in my photographs.
