Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Season is Upon Us

I've been saving this shot because I decided not to show any Christmas related images until December. I found these silly fellows in a shop window on November 3rd.  Way too early for Christmas decor in my humble opinion.

On November 17th, I went shopping with a friend at the Scottsdale Quarter and decorations were up in every direction and inside all the stores.  I guess when it comes to merchandising, everyone wants to be first.


PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh we might as well not fight it Sharon, the decs are up everywhere 😉 The two here are rather cute though and the Christmas wreath very tasteful 🎄

biebkriebels said...

Yes merchandise rules the world.

Andy said...

Just like they sing in the the song "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas".

Thérèse said...

The colors are out!

RedPat said...

I like to wait until December too but we had some stores with things out before Halloween! All I have out so far is the Advent calendar.

William Kendall said...

The stores are decorated here too. I've been photographing for Christmas for the blog, but as to the actual holiday itself, let's just say that the sooner it's done, the better.

Bill said...

Same thing here, since around Halloween, Christmas items and decorations are getting more exposure earlier each year it seems.

Gemel said...

November 3rd is a tad early, same here though, and soon the Easter eggs appear! Last year I discovered Easter eggs in the shops in January.

Aimz said...

We had Christmas decorations out in the shops just after Halloween - way too early for my liking but the 2 in the top photo will brighten up anyone's home.

Catarina said...

Some people/stores start too early.

Catalyst said...

Bah, humbug!

Kay said...

I've seen Christmas decorations sharing space with Halloween.

Steve Reed said...

Nov. 3 is definitely WAY too early. Any time before Thanksgiving is too early, in my estimation.