Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Merry Christmas Eve

For our Christmas Eve entertainment today, I have an assortment of Christmas wreaths.  The one above is extremely fancy with the Nutcracker in the center.  After I took this photo, I spotted three more just like it at the same house.

The one above was located in north Paradise Valley.  I'm assuming it lights up at night.  It has a rather commercial look to it.

The one to the left was on the door to Tarbell's Wine store just down the street from me.  I didn't notice the "take it home" sign until I downloaded the photo.

I love the one with the jingle bells on it.  It seems perfect for the season.  It was at my friend David's house.

And here is the one on my front door.  It's there to say Merry Christmas to all of you!


s.c said...

And the same to you and a good 2020.

biebkriebels said...

Beautiful wreaths everywhere, have a nice time!

RedPat said...

I like yours the best of all, Sharon! Merry Christmas to you!

William Kendall said...

These are pretty. Merry Christmas, Sharon.

Aimz said...

It's nice to see decorations like this that are different. have a good Christmas :-)

villa said...

Feliz Navidad para ti, toda tu familia y amigos.
Un saludo desde Salamanca.

Kay said...

What beautiful wreaths! Yours is perfect. If I can motivate myself to decorate next year I may lift an idea or two from you and David.

Catalyst said...

Beautiful decor. Happy holidays, Sharon.

Jack said...

I like the one with a nutcracker. Of course, I am a nut about nutcrackers. (I decline to admit how many I have.)