Thursday, December 12, 2019

Holiday Decorations

It always fun to drive around and see the different ways people decorate for the Holidays.  This one was one of my favorites.  Isn't that the cutest little dog in a Santa suit?

This picture doesn't do justice to this little train in the window of this house.  It was so sparkly that the light glinting off it caught my eye.  I wonder if it lights up at night.

Last is this chubby Santa taking a breather on this lovely bench with its cozy cushions.  


  1. Oh that chubby Santa made me laugh Sharon, he looks pretty knackered 😊 Love the sparkly train 🎅

  2. Michael Bublé said it best...
    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

  3. They put a lot of work into it, funny ones.

  4. I like the little dog too, Sharon!

  5. The little dog is my favorite too. Chubby Santa made me laugh, he better find some more energy to complete his journey. :)

  6. They are fabulous photos Sharon, the first one is really cute.

  7. Cool pictures, Sharon. That dog actually looks "real".

  8. These are better than average decorations. The dog is very well done and that's a great Santa.
