Saturday, December 14, 2019

Christmas Browsing

Last weekend I stopped at Berridge Nurseries just to see their collection of decorated Christmas trees.  I stop there every year to see the most recent designs.  They have a professional decorator prepare several trees and they are all so interesting to see.  They also sell ornaments and other eye-catching decorator things like this pewter nativity set.

The trees are hard to photograph because they are so full of ornaments and so close together.  When I download the photos, they always look like a big blob of color.

Imagine trying to decorate a tree with all those bobs and bits on it. What a job!


  1. Those are almost artpieces, can't see a Christmas tree anymore...:)

  2. I think I prefer a simpler tree, Sharon! And the work into putting these together would be overwhelming!

  3. Too many bits and bobs! Taking that tree down would be torture.

  4. I'll have a Charlie Brown Christmas tree, nice and simple. :)

  5. I wouldn't have thought of pewter for an altarpiece.

  6. So many pretty trees Sharon and I haven't even had time to put mine up yet! Better get cracking before the grandchildren arrive on Friday 😉

  7. I had the same problem photographing trees at our annual Festival of Trees -- so gorgeous and full of bling.

  8. This requires a lot of patience indeed for our eyes' delight though.

  9. The pewter nativity scene is interesting. I got my daughter some pewter stocking hangers. She already had two for the girls and laughed at me for how many others I got, but the house was full today and nearly all of the ones I gave her were in use.
