Sunday, December 8, 2019

A Walk in the Garden

I took a long walk at the Desert Botanical Garden yesterday and there was quite a lot to see.  I found this new plant called butterfly mist that was simply full of butterflies.  These two queen butterflies were enjoying the blooms but there were lots of others feasting on this plant too.

Not far away, this plant called Fireworks was also attracting a group of butterflies.  This painted lady was enjoying these pink blooms.

This curve-billed thrasher was giving me the eye.  He looks a bit perturbed that I was pointing my camera his way.  It's a good thing I caught him when I did because he flew away after I snapped the shutter.

I sat down to eat my lunch and this cute little cactus wren was keeping an eye on me.  He probably wanted me to toss a few crumbs his way but I obeyed the rules to not feed the wildlife.

There were a lot blooms on the different trails.  I think this one is called scarlet bee blossom but I'm not positive.

But, the golden columbine was easy to recognize.  It was a great day for a walk.  70 degree temperatures and partly cloudy skies.  Perfect for walking and for taking photos.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  Three nights in an Italian Villa!


  1. Great shot of the bird, at the slightest move or sound they are gone indeed. You captured him well.

  2. I enjoy our walks through your Botanic gardens so much Sharon,the butterflies are very pretty as are the flowers they are sitting on 🌸

  3. This is the kind of place where I could immerse myself for a day without even trying! Great shot of the thrasher.

  4. What a wonderful walk that must have been Sharon! And perfect weather!

  5. It is quite pleasant to see so much colour!!! Our landscape is starting to be brown and gray...

  6. Lots of colour to enjoy on your wonderful walk. Great capture of the bird, it looks shocked that you are taking his photo. :)

  7. Butterflies, birds, and flowers. What nice shots!

  8. The columbine is amazing. It's great to see so many butterflies on those flowers. They must produce a lot of nectar!

  9. Great photos, love the birds in particular.
