Sunday, November 10, 2019

Almost Perfect

Near downtown Scottsdale, I saw this home turned into an office and I admired the look of the front of the place.  However, I did have the urge to move that green planter on the right just a bit further to the right to even it up with the other one.  I like the front of this place in spite of the slight symmetrical flaw.

I have a new post on Sharon Sojourn's today.  I'm driving through Salt River Canyon.


  1. Ha,ha you should have done that, wonder what would have happened!

  2. There could be a reason but which one?

  3. To be able to see the plant from the inside?

  4. One of them needed to be moved! I would be right there helping you, Sharon! ;-)

  5. I would have had to fight the same urge!

  6. I see your point with the plant being a little off. :) Still, it is a nicely composed photo.

  7. Great shot but I'd have the same urge. I think it might really bother me if I saw it every day.

  8. Oh you made me laugh Sharon, I would have felt the same, it's going to bug you, you should just go back and sort it 😉

  9. Yep, that plant pot needs to be moved.
