Friday, October 25, 2019

Purple Prickly Pear

I was keeping my friend Julie company one evening when she was watering her neighbor's plants when I noticed this gorgeous purple prickly pear cactus in the yard.  It looked so pretty framed by the rocks and the tree that I couldn't resist snapping a photo of it.

I featured a purple prickly pear once before back in May when our theme was Purple.  Of all the different prickly pear varieties, the purple ones are my favorite.


  1. Nice! I didn't realize it came in a purple variety. Looks like there's one in the background, too.

  2. (I see I made a similar comment back in May, LOL!)

  3. There is no doubt in my mind. The purple cactus are stealing the show.

  4. Excellent "pyramid" composition of the cacti and rocks!

  5. They really are attractive Sharon.. is that the beginning of a red flower I see there?

  6. Such a healthy one. Somebody is taking direct care of him. They usually don't look so extra "nice".

  7. A very pretty and attractive purple cactus. I've never seen a purple cactus in person before. Nice shots, Sharon.

  8. I'm a huge cacti/succulent fan, this is one of those plants we don't have here in NZ but I wish it was in my garden.

  9. The purple ones are my favorite, too. I like how some have those green/grey tones, too.
