Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Pumpkin Mayhem

I went to the Desert Botanical Garden over the weekend to see this year's "Strange Garden" exhibition.  That's the one where the pumpkins get to play instead of being carved up.

On top we have one pumpkin painting a 'day-of-the-dead' face on another pumpkin.  To the left is the host for this strange garden adventure.

I'll show you a couple more of the creative pumpkins tomorrow.


  1. The artistic side of Halloween is looking good.

  2. That's really taking it to the next level!

  3. I can't decide between pumpkin face painting and joining the Illuminati. (Spam Alert!)

  4. What fun!

    I see you also got rid of the Illuminati spammer. We need to fit him for cement shoes and dump him into the Marianas Trench.
