Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Not Quite Ready Yet

It's not quite picking time yet.  I saw these big fat oranges on a tree near me just two weeks ago but as you can see, they have a little more time in the sun before they they turn a delicious shade of orange.  In a few more weeks it will be time to start picking the oranges.  There are still a few orange groves around the outskirts of the city.  When I first moved to Arizona, back when the "outskirts" were a lot closer in, there were a lot more.  In fact, I remember my parents sending boxes of citrus back to Illinois for friends and family as a holiday present.  I wonder if there is anywhere around here that still does that.


  1. A wonderful photo, Sharon. Must be a real treat to enjoy these fresh from the tree. :-0

  2. This is the first green orange I have seen.

  3. Orange or not, very good shot!

  4. I can remember getting oranges shipped from Florida in days past. I've never really seen green oranges either, Sharon!

  5. I bet they will be delicious soon enough, I remember how excited I got when my mango tree produced it's first fruit, soooo exciting 😁

  6. We had orange trees in our yard in the first couple of places where we first lived in Glendale. Then we had an entire row of trees with "ornamental" oranges in the yard of our home in Central Phoenix. They made good marmalade.

  7. I'm with Andy, I've never seen a green orange before.

  8. We use to ship our ruby red grapefruit from south Texas to relatives. I am not sure if they still do that either.

    I scrolled down through your pictures from your recent trip. Colorful and beautiful

    Thanks for the visit, I hope that you will come again....Janey

  9. Now that I think of it... I've picked apples but never oranges... hmmm something to consider... : )

  10. I didn't know oranges looked like that when not yet ripe.

  11. My husband remembers the groves around Phoenix when he was a teenager there. I miss the citrus trees we had in California, especially the Meyer lemons.

  12. Florida used to be full of little roadside businesses that would ship oranges north in the winter. I think a lot of them have gone by the wayside because oranges are nationally available in supermarkets.
