Sunday, October 27, 2019

More Seasonal Sightings

Jack-o-lanterns are making an appearance at this time of year.  Many of them are made of ceramics so the owners don't have to do any of that messy carving.

However occasionally I'll see one of the real kind.  This one was lovingly carved to give it a huge Halloween grin.

I also spotted this rather unfortunate witch who appears to have misjudged her landing abilities.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I have photos from my recent visit to the Very Large Array.


  1. I've seen a few creatures that have flown into poles and trees too and they always give me a chuckle! ;-)

  2. I like your seasonal sightings!

  3. The crashing witch is funny.
    Great finds, Sharon.

  4. I love the witch. I've seen one like her around here, though not this far.

  5. Carving the pumpkin is half the fun I should think.. not that I can say that from personal experience Sharon 😉 The squished witch made me smile 😊

  6. I was out taking some Halloween pictures today. Later this week!

  7. I guess I should photograph the skeleton that now greets people as they enter my local gym. :-)

  8. You have lots of Halloween decorations to choose from, photographically!
