Monday, October 7, 2019

Celebrating the Neighborhood

I found this mural in the F Q Story historic neighborhood recently and it seems to celebrate the neighborhood and its history.  It was pretty long so I had to photograph it in sections.  This section shows a couple of historic homes and an old street car.

This one celebrates the now with two more homes that have been lovingly restored.  I managed to get that cat on the fence post all the way to the right but it looks like I cut that poor dog below in half.

Here's the full mural.  Well, except for the bits that got chopped off the ends.  The mural must be fairly new because I know it wasn't there about 5 years ago when I used to cruise this neighborhood looking for cute houses to photograph.

Linked to Monday Murals.


  1. I like this mural. I am always curious about how things looked in the past.

  2. Nice ones, you never link your photo to Sami's Mural blog...

  3. Love murals that depict the history of a place Sharon.. poor wee dog chopped in half πŸ˜‰πŸ˜

  4. I always like murals with a bit of local history to them, Sharon. This is a really good one!

  5. Nice to see the history of the area artistically depicted!

  6. You are right it is the time difference between our countries of course.

  7. The mural is beautiful, a wonderful work of art.

  8. Phoenix has changed - and grown - so much over the years. It's nice to have a nod to its history.

  9. Fabulous mural Sharon. I like the inclusion of the cat and the half dog too :). Thanks for contributing.
