Wednesday, October 2, 2019

All About the Art

On Monday and Tuesday, I introduced you to Shaneland Arts, the new business that recently opened in a store front that had been empty for about two years.  This new place is a combination of things, art gallery, retail store, coaching and workshops.  One corner of the store is set up as a classroom and when they start offering classes, I just might attend one or two.

The gallery part featured art work by a variety of local artists like this piece by Scott Hide.

Looking closer at this Arizona scene, I discovered that it was put together with open books.  The pages of the books are painted with the scene but if you look closely, the words still show through.

There was one other piece by Scott Hide that I found interesting, this one is called My Gallery 64.  It's a series of small pieces each framed in one big panel.

I think I'm going to enjoy visiting this place from time to time.


  1. Very interesting!
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. I particularly like that 1st one, Sharon!

  3. I could use a class in sketching.

  4. Very nice, Sharon. I too like the first one. It's amazing!

  5. This sounds like a great place all around. I like that first piece by Scott Hide.

  6. I like that Scott Hide piece. Each little panel is intriguing.

  7. I think you should Sharon, you are so artistic with your photography I think you would be also with a paintbrush.. looking forward to seeing the results ✨
