Friday, September 13, 2019

Patiently Waiting

His people had gone inside a cafe to get their food while this little fellow patiently waited for their return.  His full attention was on the café door and he wasn't about to look away.

And, he had absolutely no interest in getting his photo taken!


  1. A dog is always loyal to his boss, he left through that door and he must come back there as long as I look!

  2. Dogs are fearful that their owner will not return.

  3. How adorable 💙 just let anyone try and pinch those seats 😉

  4. They don't like to be separated from their family/pack! The joy when the person comes back is wonderful to see!

  5. His full attention is the door. When it opens, his treat is that much closer to him. :)

  6. Aww, poor guy! It's funny how dogs get so focused when their owners step away. I see this all the time outside shops in Britain.
