Saturday, September 21, 2019

Little Free Libraries

I'm seeing more and more of the little free libraries popping up all over the city.  It's a wonderful thing to see.  It's good to know that so many people have embraced the need to encourage reading.

They come in all shapes and sizes.  Some even have a little solar powered light to shine on it after dark.

The one to the left has to be a favorite.  It's one that has been built to look like Dr. Who's tardis!  You can't beat that!


Andy said...

Who ever thought these things up is a genius. I am impress with the different shapes and sizes that they come in.

Karl said...

I love these little free libraries, they are so cute and useful !

RedPat said...

They are such a good idea! There are 2 near me that look like the Tardis too! They hold a lot more books inside than you expect! ;-)

William Kendall said...

These are neat ones!

Bill said...

A nice variety of little free libraries. I just stopped by one near us and got a book today. People love them.

Catalyst said...

It's a great idea and good to see them proliferating.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

These libraries are quite common here - and all to the good. Anything that encourages people to read is very worthwhile.

Aimz said...

oh I love this idea!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Such a fab idea Sharon, must keep my eyes open around here.. the Dr Who library is super cool 💙

Jack said...

I love the little free library movement. In West Hartford, they are everywhere, but not as creative as your first and third ones.

Thérèse said...

Those are neat ones, we see them popping up all over the world.