Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Lake Activities

All kinds of water activities happen on Tempe Town Lake, the man-made lake that has been formed in the normally dry Salt River bed.  You will find people canoeing on the water.  This fellow was moving right along.

And you will see a variety of paddle boarders trying their hand (had balance abilities) out on the water.  I find it interesting to watch these people on their boards but, admittedly, I would never try this myself.  For me, balance is hard enough on solid land.


Andy said...

Great minds think alike. See my posting for today.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh me too Sharon, I would wobble off in seconds. It does look fun though ✨

RedPat said...

They all make it look so easy!

Steve Reed said...

I've never tried a paddle board, but I have gone kayaking. Nice reflections!

William Kendall said...

There's a place here that sets up shop alongside one of our rivers and rents them out.

DeniseinVA said...

As I can fall out of my shoes on dry land, this is something I wouldn't attempt either ;) Enjoyed the photos though, and can have fun looking at people enjoying themselves.

Bill said...

It looks easy when looking at it in a photo but in reality I would be swimming after falling off. :)

Catarina said...

I like to watch as well. Not for me.

Aimz said...

I don't know how they keep their balance either, I'm far too unco-ordinated for it myself.