Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Bird Watching

When I was at the garden on Sunday I, of course stopped at my favorite spot to watch the birds enjoying the water there.  These two young mourning doves seemed a little afraid of the water.  They kept watching it carefully and reaching toward it but they seemed afraid to venture to the edge.

This little house sparrow on the other hand, splashed around in the water enjoying a refreshing dip.

And, this house finch appeared to be admiring his reflection.

But, then he jumped in and gave himself a very good bath.

I love watching birds splash around in the water.  It makes me smile every time.


Andy said...

Excellent closeups. I love those reflections.

biebkriebels said...

Those are such funny photos, I like them all enjoying the water!

RedPat said...

Birds seem to enjoy the water so much when they have a bath! Great pics, Sharon!

Catarina said...


Karl said...

Haha, they are cute, Sharon !
Nice pics !

William Kendall said...

The last one is my favourite.

Bill said...

Nothing like a good bath even for the birds. The last one made me laugh, he's really enjoying splashing around. Great photos, Sharon.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Love, love, looove these shots Sharon, I really enjoy our trips to your Botanical Garden 💙

Kay said...

Nice shots! Little birds are among the hardest to shoot. I love your last shot of the bathing finch. It reminds me of a dog shaking as it comes out of water.

Jack said...

I need you to be my small bird identifier. I am good with big birds, but not the finches, swallows, wrens, etc.

Catalyst said...

Your photos shame me. But they're beautiful.

Aimz said...

Sparrows are funny aren't they? They really have no fear.

Steve Reed said...

Great bird shots!