Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Being Silly

I was in a bit of a silly mood last week when I drove my car through one of those 'drive-through' car washes.  I snapped a few photos out the windshield as the car was being pushed along.  First the soap suds....

...then the water!  See, I can have fun almost anywhere!


Andy said...

I am glad you came clean about your silly mood.

biebkriebels said...

You made some very modern Picasso paintings!

Catarina said...

: ))

I like both pictures, but the psychedelic one is my favourite. : )

RedPat said...

I'm always a bit freaked out when I go through those things. Hoping that it doesn't break down etc! ;-))

William Kendall said...

Nicely abstract!

Steve Reed said...

Excellent! Anything can be an interesting photo with a little creativity. :)

The Padre said...

Melting My Mind - Well Done


Bill said...

The beauty of abstract. Fun photos indeed! :)

Aimz said...

nice! i never thought of doing that.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

You know we'll all be going through the car wash taking pics now Sharon.. love these 🌀

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Now there's a whole new way to pass the time in a car wash.

Jack said...

Great minds . . . I have done this, too, going through car washes, but yours came out better. I have never posted my weak efforts.