Monday, August 12, 2019

It's All About the Hats

I took these photos at one of the galleries in Scottsdale three years ago and I noticed them again when I was organizing photo files.  The only problem was, I didn't know who the artist was.  So, when I ventured out to Scottsdale for the art walk last Thursday, I made a point of visiting the same gallery to see if they had any more from this artist.

They didn't so I asked the gallery owner if he remembered these paintings and he did. The artist is Victor Ostrovsky and I learned that he has retired from painting because of an illness.

What strikes me about these paintings is that they look more like mural art than paintings on canvas.  I could picture one of these on a wall or the side of building.

Looking at his web site, these images look like they are part of his "Metaphors of Espionage" series.

They are certainly an interesting take on a typical landscape.


  1. It is the first time I see these paintings.

  2. People with hats. What an interesting concept.

  3. It almost feels like you become part of the crowd of observers in the painting, Sharon!

  4. Such a shame he had to retire Sharon, so much talent here, love the colour and movement in his paintings 💜

  5. They ARE very interesting. Is the espionage metaphor simply a hat? I wonder.

  6. You find the coolest places in the area. One almost wants to visit - later when it's not so hot.

  7. These paintings are cool and colourful. I did think they had a touch of a mural likeness to them. I could vision them on a side of a building. I like them and it's too bad the artist has retired.

  8. Wouldn't you like to talk with him to learn why he features hats? Tough to have to give up painting. It must be a serious illness or condition.
