Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Luxury Living Near Downtown

These new luxury condos opened near downtown Phoenix a year or so ago.  When I visited the Japanese Friendship Garden a few years ago, I'd see the construction going on.  I guess they were completed in late 2017.

The building is called Portland on the Park because it faces Portland Street on one side and a city park on the other side and it looms over the Japanese Friendship Garden.  So if you are on the north side of the building you have park views and if you are on the south side of the building you have a downtown skyline view.  Either might be nice.

I checked and there are a few units for sale if you have $425,000 to $1,150,000. to spare.


  1. Hope that someone can effort that price.

  2. Exactly the same life style happening here. It's not for me but there are plenty of people who adore them.

  3. It has a nice graphic look about it, Sharon!

  4. Swanky! Who has all that money?! Obviously someone, but it's not me.

  5. Out of my price range but they are nice and would have great views to enjoy.

  6. Sharon, check your facebook messages when you can. I think someone's been trying to clone your account.

  7. I wonder if I can rent the broom closet.
    Coffee is on

  8. In regards to your query, there was a profile at Facebook messaging me with a black and white version of your profile pic. I thought it was you at first when they asked how I was, and then they're asking me if I'd received a message from you regarding some sort of initiative. Then I clicked on your profile through messages and saw indeed that I was dealing with two different profiles, the second one of which had just been activated. I told them that I had reason to believe they weren't the person they were passing themselves off as. I know they saw the message, but they didn't respond.
