Thursday, July 25, 2019

First Man on the Moon

I forgot that I had this photo of a painting I saw at the Scottsdale Museum of the West.  It's by an artist I had never heard of before but, one who is extremely talented and who lived in Scottsdale.  His Name is Paul Calle.  He is best known for painting and drawing historic American West featuring mountain men, fur traders and Native Americans.  However, he also worked with NASA and created multiple art works for them including this painting and others from the Apollo 11 mission.  He was actually there and was sketching scenes from the day of the launch.

This is one of his paintings of the historic west.

This is a replica of his Scottsdale studio.  
The museum has a large exhibit dedicated to his work called Paul Calle's Life of Exploration:  From the Mountains to the Moon.


  1. He is a very talented artist. I like that one of the moonwalk.

  2. I just read that Paul Calle's drawings of the landing have been turned into stamps too.

  3. I think that's the first I've heard of him.

    His astronaut reminds me of Alan Bean's work, and Alan Bean actually did go to the moon.

  4. What incredible talent he has. Those paintings are amazing.

  5. Interesting! I've never heard of this guy.
