Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Another Collection of Odds And Ends

Today I have another set of random shots I've found in my "Odd Shots" photo file.  First up is a very cute little watering can.  It would make watering the plants lots of fun.

I saw this clay frog sitting at the end of a driveway and I thought he looked a little tired and sad.  He's been sitting out in the Arizona sun a bit too long.  He might have developed some skin cancer because of it. 😱

This guy was climbing up a wall and at first I thought he was real but, he's not.  He's made of ceramic and has been scaling that wall for a long time.

A police helicopter circling over one of the historic neighborhoods I was cruising through looking for photos.  I hope he wasn't called to watch me.  I sometimes wonder when I'm out taking photos if I look a bit suspicious.  No one stopped me so I guess I was safe.


  1. Interesting variety of subjects. It demonstrate that you are paying attention to your surroundings.

  2. That frog looks very funny at us.

  3. The lizard certainly looks like the real deal.

  4. I love the watering can! I often wonder if people are suspicious of me and my camera too but I think being women makes us seem less threatening.

  5. I like your odds and ends, very nice! My first thought about the frog is that he does look sad. I'm glad you thought so too. :)

  6. I often wonder the same thing when I'm out taking pics. I've never had the police called on me, as far as I know -- but then, I probably didn't hang around long enough to find out!

    Love the lizard -- he IS very realistic. And the frog IS a bit tired. Maybe it's a family heirloom, or has special significance to its owner?

  7. I like this sort of posts!!!!
    : )
