Saturday, June 1, 2019

Theme Day: Pink

Pink is the City Daily Photo theme for the month of June and I'm honoring the theme with this abstract sculpture by artist Matt Magee.  Matt is an artist who has lived around the globe but, currently lives in Phoenix and he had a special exhibition of his work at the Phoenix Art Museum last year.  That's where I found this "pink" sculpture called "Pink Moth Hanger".  It's composed of plastic from things like detergent bottles and strung together with wire.  I think it fits the theme perfectly.

To see how other bloggers have located some pink in their cities, click here.


  1. Looks good, nice choice for the theme, Sharon !

  2. What an interesting sculpture! I love it when artists make something beautiful out of what would otherwise be considered trash.

  3. I love it for the theme, Sharon!

  4. Reminds me of various shades of lipstick or nail polish. Unique sculpture.

  5. The pink stands out well, good choice, I wonder what the artist was trying to convey?
