Thursday, June 27, 2019

Random Musings

It's time for another series of unrelated, random shots that have been collecting dust in my photo files.  First up, plants in an office building atrium and the shadows they make.

Next, a mobile dog groom truck that I saw while sitting at a traffic light.  I've never seen this big, blue dog before but, it is certainly eye catching.

Suddenly the giant Buddha has shown up in the front yard of this house along 24th Street.  Those prayer flags in the background have been there for a very long time but this giant gold statue is new and quite startling when driving down the street.

This row of empty chairs caught my eye one afternoon when I was waiting for a friend to join me for lunch at the Phoenix Art Museum.

Last up, the Ralph Lauren Bear giving me a little wave in front of the Ralph Lauren store at Biltmore Fashion Park.  This was taken back in February so wearing that big heavy bear suit would be much more comfortable than it would be if he were out there today.


  1. A nice series of photo's, that blue dog stands out for sure.

  2. The blue dog wins the award for most unusual vehicle on the road! Good assortment, Sharon!

  3. You can see that grooming truck from a long way off!

  4. Nothing Like A Big Bear Greeter - Big Bear Hugs

  5. Curious. When I first began scrolling down I thought the top picture was of some trees against a very gray smoggy sky! And I remember a Chinese restaurant in Cottonwood that closed and had a big Buddha like that one for sale. I really wanted it but, where we were living then, I'm not sure what I would have done with it.

  6. What a wonderful series of dusty photos. :) The dog grooming truck really stands out, nobody can miss that one.

  7. Nice group of photos. I like the strong shadows in the first shot!

  8. Nice mini series. The groom truck is easy to spot it must be helping the business.

  9. A wonderfully eclectic mix Sharon, love the Ralf Lauren bear 😊

  10. The Ralph Lauren bear? They have a bear?

    I love the shadows in the top picture, as well as the blue dog. The gold buddha is quite imposing!
