Friday, June 21, 2019

Quirky Decor

I recently met a friend for drinks at the Palomar Hotel in downtown Phoenix and I snapped a few more photos of the quirky decor in that hotel lobby.  The last time I posted about this hotel lobby, it was about the fabric that covered the big chairs in the lobby.  This time I have this interesting little private dining or meeting area located just outside of the restaurant.  I like that crystal chandelier with the wire cage around it.

But, what I really liked were these spider-like chandeliers that light up the seating area in the lobby.

The Palomar Hotel is a boutique style hotel so the quirky furnishings seem to go well.


  1. The chairs look a bit like a French Louis the 16th era.. :)

  2. Beautiful Sharon, the spider chandeliers are a real statement piece ✨

  3. I like those chandeliers too, Sharon!

  4. Very Dynamic - Gr8 Shots


  5. I like that as well as the attractive mirrors' display.
    As for the chairs they are in the Louis the XVth style.

  6. The chandeliers are pretty impressive, I like them too.

  7. I like the combination of traditional and contemporary in the top photo chandelier.

  8. That "private dining room" looks more like a meeting room for mobsters plotting nefarious deeds.

  9. I have a deal for you. You can have the chandeliers. I will take that nice conference/dining table and chair set.
