Thursday, June 13, 2019

Look Who I Found

Look who I found at the Desert Botanical Garden the last time I was there.  One of my favorite birds, the peach-faced lovebirds.  I hadn't seen any in quite a while so I was glad to see this guy chomping on the ocotillo seeds.

Do you remember when these guys used to hang out in my back yard when I lived on the other side of town?  I do miss seeing them every day.  They are such clowns!


  1. They are such pretty birds! I do remember your photos of them from before.

  2. Yes clowns they are and you found quite a bunch of them!

  3. We have those in the parcs of Amsterdam, somebody must have freed them into the open once and they are all over the place now in the trees in the parcs.

  4. I think I told you before that we had a pair at home when I was a kid. They were rescue creatures - somebody couldn't stand all the noise. We had the for years and loved them but you did have to keep an eye on them when they were out of the cage - they chewed everything! It is great to see these pics, Sharon!

  5. Beautiful birds, Sharon. I never heard of them, so thanks for sharing.

  6. Lovebirds are just darling they are so pretty. The ones with the dark marks on the upper beak are juveniles. It looks like they're successfully breeding.

  7. They really are such pretty birds Sharon, the colours are a delight..

  8. I know that I have never seen these birds out of a cage.
