Monday, June 24, 2019

Contemporary Glass Art

The exhibit I went to the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art to see was called Divergent Materiality: Contemporary Glass Art.  There were some very creative and beautiful pieces in this exhibit all using glass in different ways.

The piece at top made me chuckle a bit.  It's called "Aristocrap" by artist Matt Eskuche.  It features all kinds of everyday things that appear to be silver plated but, it's all glass.

To the left is a piece by Vivian Wang and it is called Rooster Princess.

This last one is called "Seeker" by Lucy Lyon.

The third exhibit at the museum was called Mutual Reality: Art on the Edge of Technology.  That one was really impossible to photograph.  It contained a series of interactive exhibits.  I had fun making shapes change and music play simply by moving and touching.

If you live in the Phoenix area, I highly recommend seeing these three exhibits.  It's something to do inside a cool museum on these hot summer days.


  1. Beautiful. The second piece reminds me of Christmas ornaments.
    I can only imagine the precautions that need to be taken by the artist not to break anything.

  2. Amazing glass art, very delicate material to work with.

  3. Absolutely Stunning - Well Done


  4. Oh wow! That's very clever glass blowing Sharon, I would love to be in the Phoenix area to see this exhibition ✨
    P.s. you are a very good detective, love the way you deduced the correct reflection 😊

  5. Nice! Definitely different from what we usually see when we think of glass art. Does Ellen Abbott read your blog? I might turn her on to this post -- she's a glass artist.

  6. Absolutely gorgeous and beautifully photographed.

  7. That Rooster Princess is fabulous! I assume the clothing is made from clay - I was trying to read the tag.
