Sunday, June 16, 2019

Blooming Artichokes

Artichokes are gorgeous when they bloom with their wonderful purple flowers.  However, once they bloom, they are no longer good for eating.  So if you are going to eat these delicious thistles, you need to catch them before they burst open and bloom.

It's too late for this group!

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  On my recent trip to Oregon, I got to experience a fantastic garden.  Check it out.


  1. I didn't know artichokes could have these beautiful flowers!

  2. I didn't know that either Sharon.. I think I'd still be tempted to let them bloom 💜

  3. I didn't know they were thistles!

  4. I never knew about artichokes blooming. It's beautiful and thanks for the info so now I learnt something new. :)

  5. We grow cardoons, which are an artichoke relative and look a lot like those flowers on the bottom. That top one is very blue!

  6. Beautiful artichoke's flower. But as it is my favorite vegetable/flower I have a hard time looking at them when they start blooming: what a waste ;-)
