Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Two Vehicles

Two different vehicles caught my eye on the very same day.  Above is a Volkswagen mini-bus sitting in front of the Volkswagen repair shop with a cute sign inviting me to buy it and drive to Woodstock.  I didn't go to Woodstock back in the 60's but, I think I'll pass the opportunity once again.

The second car looked like it was watching me as I took a walk.  My what big eyes you have little red car!


  1. Volkswagen vans were a popular vehicle back in the day. At the time I wanted one but never got around to it.

  2. I wonder if that van would even make it to Woodstock!

  3. Happy Travels, In The New VW Bus - Also, Gr8 Oregon Photos


  4. My parents had a VW van, before I was born- but they were definitely not hippies.

  5. When I was in high school my track coach used to take the team to the track meet in his vw van. All 12 of us squashed in for the ride. :)

  6. Good thing you didn't buy it. The promoters canceled the Woodstock festival for this summer.
