Friday, May 3, 2019

The Yellow Blooms Continue

When I was out admiring all the yellow blooms on the palo verde trees last weekend, I noticed that the little Barry Goldwater Memorial Park was full of the golden branches.

So I stopped to get some more photos.  The trees were casting a warm glow over the whole park.

The blooms on these trees last between 4 to 6 weeks so we should continue to see them for a little while longer.

I'll miss them when they are just dust on the ground.


  1. Enjoy. Nothing but rainy days here.

  2. Yellow There, Yellow Here, Yellow Everywhere - Well Done

    Keep Capturing Those Spring Time Beauties,

  3. The yellow blossoms are beautiful . . . but . . . allergies?

  4. Very pretty all that yellow. I love yellow, it's one of my favorite colours. Nice statue of Barry Goldwater.
