Monday, May 6, 2019

Happy Bees

The saguaro cactus are blooming now and it is making the bees very happy.  I took an early morning walk at the Desert Botanical Garden yesterday and it was a good time to be there.  They just switched to their summer hours so they opened at 6:00 AM for members only and it was so quiet and peaceful it was a joy to be there.

It was a good time to be there because all the critters were out enjoying the peace and quiet along with me and only a few other people.

I got lots of photos to share with you!


  1. Nature can be so beautiful, great photos!

  2. The bees and the bird are enjoying the blossoms. Excellent photos!

  3. So worth being a member for opportunities like this Sharon. The Saguaro cactus is so unusual looking, but tasty by the look of it 😉

  4. I'm just amazed at how many birds we have, and none of them are crows. p.s., we are in Gilbert.
